Tony Blair's comments today about why he does not plan to change his flying habits just about sum up the idiot. I mean do we ever expect a politician to show conviction, to believe their own rhetoric and act accordingly. I am ashamed at myself for not having a better word for people like this but Bitch just about says it all. These are the people who are pure mouth, who just weazel their way through life, taking as much as possible putting all forms of self-reflection way beneath their egos. Blair of course is a religious nut, living his life on a heavy coctail of faith and hope. Ignoring all the science, although he knows he still has to appear to be listening to the evidence because this noble class is still managing to prop his bitch set up. So you're carbon off-setting are you - with whose money?
Anyway, why is his argument flawed. Sure we have to keep innovating but its the scientist who are going to be doing this, and the scientist are telling us to stop flying. This is his wing-on-a-prayer lifestyle again.
And why long term is flying bad - its to do with the rate of consumption. Planes embody a type of human activity that is so far from the Earth's ability to replenish. The planet has an energy clock, it ebbs and flows with the grander motions (tides, seasons, earthquakes, volcanoes, life itself) releasing and trapping energy, that in the end originates from the sun (minus the chemical energy locked in the chemicals that formed this mighty rock). So while Hawkins is telling us we have to colonise other planets, (and I would love to be around when this happens) it does not mean that bitches like Blair should be telling us what pace to live at. There is practically no science to suggest our consumption rates are even close to being sustainable. We have to jam on the breaks in a serious way. It does not help when The Big Grinning Idiot goes and says stuff like he did today. It negates all the conviction sane people are demonstrating. All the scientist working on nuclear fission, wind and solar power, all the people looking for ways to consume less while still getting essential jobs done. All the positive energy in society mocked by the one we pay to coordinate problem resolution from the center. (He of course also started a war to secure oil supplies - there will be no doubt of this when history knocks on your door Mr T).
Sometimes I wonder if the new style of politics aims to gain mind space by pissing reasonable people off. Are Bush and Blair really this stupid. Either they have a genius I cannot even begin to comprehend or they are the village idiots they appear to be. Eureka, maybe that's how it works - they appeal to religious nuts by enfuriating rational people.
Bush, I am sure belongs in some cesspit and should be left their to rot. Blair needs the good hiding his prefect chums would have dished out to his public school arse. Of course the bat would be applied in Baghdad by the millions of hearts and minds he's won over with his well planned invasion.
There is a simple political reason why Blair said what he did today. Its politcal balancing. A junior minister dared to criticize Ryanair yesterday so he has to pull things back the other way. It becomes clearer and clearer we live in an American plutocracy; we have ourselves to blame.
Anyway, its good to end missives like this on a crisp note, so I'll hedge my bets and say that the current UK Prime Minister is a total dick head. A bitch, egomaniac, who I cannot wait for some rational leadership to replace. I am tired of his tricks, grin, self-centered mission of personal agrandiosement. I will celebrate when he is removed and watch closely as his career nosedives as we all get time to realise what a depressing mess he has created.
Poodle boy, your time is up, history will not be your friend - you can play with your cronies (read Murdoch) and spin your yarns but there are millions of bloggers now who find it very easy to see past the facade.
[Seems other people have put this argument more eloquently].
But Mr Mentalese. You yourself have travelled the world extensively and you have also been on more flights in the past two years than most people that I know, including a series of long haul flights and far
away adventure holidays. You have made a number of trips to Europe in recent months, as recently as two weeks ago in fact, using
the cheapest possible airlines (a commodity and sure sign of consumerism) who show no intention of reinvesting in energy efficient means of transport. You yourself seem unwilling to sacrifice your quality of life (increased by travelling distances to visit loved ones) so is it wise to argue that others should do so? Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that your argument is basically to stop people flying but it's hard to tell as your more channelled words become lost in your vented spleen on Mr Blair and a mild case of torrets syndrome. The title of the post suggests that the general public should curb their flying more drastically, rather than stop it all together but I'm not sure if this is what you get across in your blog. More facts to back up your point and slightly more eloquent writing skills would aid you
here. It's a good argument but don't loose it in a personal vendetta.
Right, I apologise for the tourets featured in this post. I really am sick to death of Blair, he's not fit for office. I'll leave it at that.
Of course I see the hypocracy of what I am saying. I did fly to Barcelona this Xmas and I did carbon offset (£3.26 for the return journey).
So in this case travel is an essential part of maintaining our social networks, I am visiting partents who are there because its what they wanted to do with their retirement. I am an email/ skype person, they don't do technology (it doesn't work where they are anyway).
There are other valid reasons for travel e.g. economies that are currently dependent on it.
The trouble I have is that I don't believe in compromising for sentiment's sake. Nature is our dictator, we don't like it then we lump it, simple as that. We can't create energy, entropy and the 2nd law of thermodynamics are fundamental inescapable principles. If there is not enough energy then that's final.
What I find so offensive about Blair and people like him is that they are leaders who basically don't listen to the science, they listen to their own needs. They are egomaniacs. If we listen back to his justification of the Iraq war then look at how many times he phrases things with "I believe". Personally I really don't care what he believes, I care what the science says, the evidence. Don't patronise me, give me the evidence and let me check it. This is pulpit style leadership, and no Blair, I really don't trust you.
So solutions. I am going to buy two books (recommended to me by an friend expert in economics:
1. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. By Jared Diamond
2. The ecology of commerce. By Paul Hawken.
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