This film focuses on tone, that of the brutal oppression of a 'peaceful' Amazonian tribe by the Aztecs. The brutality is stunning, you really feel part of the film. Its 18 rated because of the gore, ripping still beating hearts out of human sacrifices and then throwing their severed heads and bodies down temple steps are just part of the blood bath. With the director being Mel Gibson I was suspicious of some religious undertone, or Christian historical interpretation. If it was there I could not spot it. There might have been an environmental message with the end of an empire being caused by failing crops and over consumption.
But wait, yes there was a religious message. A major theme was about fear and how it is a disease. If a society lives in fear with becomes self-destructive. Only our running man pictured above develops the self belief to continue his culture. True he gets lucky being saved by a series of highly improbable events (won't give them away - he is fulfilling a prophecy).
This brought me back to my Tarzan days, and knowing the format I could predict the next scene pretty easily. It got all the old apeman juices flowing though, and Mr Gibson I thank you for that.
I have to say I loved it. I can't see it being a box office hit simple because the sensibilities against the violence will possible be too great. Stomach it, its likely this time was as violent as portrayed so we should see that. Of course the destruction the indigenous were inflicting on each other is nothing compared to what the Spanish subjected them to.
And perhaps if we were really hunting for a message it could be about conquering powers and possible US and UK antics in our current times. Shameful stuff. At least the leaders of these armies had the guts to see the destruction they were causing. I doubt whether Mr Blair's grin would survive him seeing the damage he's sent UK troops to inflict.
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