Saturday, August 05, 2006

Under siege

At the London Science museum last weekend I managed to gain temporary relief from something that has been burdening my and I suspect many other people's minds for too many years now - the Bush-Blair axis of evil. This impressive building in Knightbridge is one of the last remaining public refuges from the pseudo-religious insanity that is sweeping our and many other countries.

Before we didn't care about fanatics, they lived their lives quietly. But American foreign policy has ensured they've been stirred up into a frenzy. Through violence the fanatical drone of the insecure has started to infect minds that really do hold genuine wonder at 'gods' creation.

At the Science Museum it was such a joy to read that researchers had actually watched a star form from dust in space. Admittedly I felt old watching children vote with glee at the prospect of using genetic engineering to bring back animals from extinction, they didn't seem to flinch at the feat.

I am fed up with our political 'leaders' trying to drag us back into the stone age with all their spin on fundamentalism, terrorists, WMD etc. I don't understand why we cannot put Bush and his poodle in the docks for war crimes.

The science museum is a temple to sanity. With Special Relationship being hell bent on making the world implode into pseudo-religious turmoil, at least we have a place where you can go and look forward, remind yourself what is means to be in awe of 'god'.

At the science museum we can also learn how 'god' will soon be reaping revenge on us all for our small-mindedness and greed over the last 50 years. The Oceans will swell, the winds reek havoc and rain will cause great floods. Yes, that's right climate change is coming and all we can do is spend billions on killing Arabs for their oil. Presumably Bush and Blair would like us to believe the imminent change in weather conditions was caused by their gods, bearded men in the sky?


c.1225, "a seat" (as in Siege Perilous, the vacant seat at Arthur's Round Table, to be occupied safely only by the knight destined to find the Holy Grail, c.1230), from O.Fr. sege "seat, throne," from V.L. *sedicum "seat," from L. sedere "sit" (see sedentary). The military sense is attested from c.1300; the notion is of an army "sitting down" before a fortress.

noun 1 a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, with the aim of compelling those inside to surrender. 2 a similar operation by a police team to compel an armed person to surrender.


Anonymous said...

I hear your words. I started my blog with a similar twist. Everyone knows God but no One agrees about It. Maybe the inhabitants of the world can agree about what God isn't?

I'm asking people from all over the world & hope to collect a view from each of the 50 states.

I'd love to receive your ten words.


emphemeral said...

i tried to post to your blog michel but here's my answer anyway:

god isn't anything george bush and other ignorant people will ever understand.

10 words!

Glass is half full?

Even a stopped watch is right twice a day.