The NHS is not structured to be able to share knowledge and certainly doesn't work with patients to learn more about diseases. The only people able to conduct thorough experiments are the large drug companies and they are driven by the need to create products that make profit for shareholders i.e. pills.
So many diseases can be prevented or cured by simple changes to diet, removing pollutants from our environments, exercising etc but the GPs only see us when we're at deaths door and are habituated to just try for the quick fix, the magic bullet approach.
Yet organisations like the NHS are gatekeepers to the official cure, the 'real science'. We cannot challenge this monsterous body of often arrogant doctors who want to do some whacky experiment to get their name published and themselves onto the best golf courses as soon as possible.
It must be possible to set up some online tool that allows patients to work together to test a hypothesis, to gather their own experimental data, to make their own conclusions. Somewhere in the melee of the professionals and patients we need to create some kind of entity that actually cares. Just like priests do not own god, men in white coats are not the only people who can perform real science.
Pseudoscience is rife and killing people.
noun beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.
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