Saturday, March 06, 2010

William McDonough on cradle to cradle design

  1. Design is an expression of human intention
  2. In the dominion versus stewardship debate, we are of course stewards because you can't dominate something you kill, and to steward something you have to dominate it
  3. We can't say that destroying the planet was not our plan, because since we have no plan to save it, the de facto plan is to destroy it [consequentialism?]
  4. Humility and architecture have not been in the same sentence since the fountain head...reflect on this, it took 5000 years to put wheels on our luggage
  5. Le Corbusier architecture affectionately known in our industry as Brutalism
  6. Solar energy has nothing to do with architecture [just as energy consumption has nothing to do with IT]
The beautiful thing here is that the world we design speaks volumes about us, according to William we do not acquit ourselves well. The trouble with shit design is the tools then speak back to us.

He published a database of chemicals to help designers analyse their products at the ppm level. (No reference given).

Designing 12 eco-cities in China.

Not much to say here, William is walking the walk, but I know too little to comment.

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Glass is half full?

Even a stopped watch is right twice a day.