Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The inner puppeteer

All thinking must be the result of movements of matter, thought is physical, energy is being channeled within our minds, by neurones at synaptic junctions (neuro-pharmacology).

All thought must be the result of some form of 'symbolic' re-representation process. Our neurones must be reconfiguring through time and space to conjure networks that allow ourselves to express meaning.

This knowledge in the head is re-presented in the world using various tools and external symbolic representation systems. This allows us to communicate and form intellectual networks.

The mind, devoid of non-mind must be blank, tabla rasa.

Q. Do we wonder through life at random, our destinies wrapped up from birth in some deterministic path, controlled by our genes, our social standing and other large strange attractors.

Q. Is there an inner puppeteer, a spark that is beyond all computation, a human spirit that allows us to select the world we experience, to control the learning we gain of symbolic representation systems. Do we seek the teaching we need?

Q. Does society crystallize around entirely predictable structures that mean we never escape the humdrum we are born with?

We spend our lives trying to look our puppeteer in the eye so that we can try work the strings with him - in unison we are free to explore the world as a whole person. The older we get the harder it is to keep this partnership because those that loose it - the zombies, want to bite us and turn us to stone with their fits of jealousy.

Art and science are the only antidote to these fatal attacks. They remind us that everything is a mystery, there can be no rest - there is not time for complacency and dogma.

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Even a stopped watch is right twice a day.