Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dignified collective action

Why, so often does change only happen after people have gone through ridiculous levels of personal sacrifice. We've all heard stories of people jumping under a racehorse, hunger striking, marching outside parliament etc. but my point is, why do we the proles admire this so much. Surely we should be asking why we seem to have to make such catastrophic or plain undignified efforts to bring about change.

It seems obvious that we're not organised enough, we're prone to admire emotional gestures above reason, and prone to make change only when emotional pleas have been made.

Maybe a wave of reason will sweep through and we will make better thought out plans, more justified changes, and these acts will seem like grunts in our Neanderthal past.

I look forward to a day when we don't admire marching, we think of it as a kind of oppression by the political elite. Why should we have to march to get our opinion across, I can do that through an open online survey for instance. I'd get more from the results too, and I'd be more prepared to listen to the movement.

Are we all bound to our primitive tribal instincts, not really wanting to live in an enlightened society.

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