Thursday, March 08, 2007

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring Again

This is a gentle film about a boy growing up with a Buddhist Monk. They live on a floating island in a tranquil lake. It is a meditation on cruelty, lust, revenge, repentance and then much more aside. Snakes, fish, a frog, a cat, and a statue of Buddha all intermingle with calligraphy and mantras. A veritable soup of spiritual charm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was such a beautiful film!! My parents went to see the first screening here in Perth Western Australia, and they were in love. They came back saying that no-one wanted to leave...everyone veiwing it afterwards sat and had long conversations afterwards. Dad had never seen anything like it and recommended it to everyone. :) Wish there were more like this one pout there! Thank you for your blog regarding it

Glass is half full?

Even a stopped watch is right twice a day.