Thursday, November 09, 2006

Super shorts

I have just been to a super shorts screening in Oxford. It was late, I cycled their through dense fog and the usual soup of Oxford pollution. I was tired. I drifted off to a few of the films in the middle.

There was one film that stood out for me called Days of Sleep, directed by Claire Dix. I am not sure why I liked it, maybe I understood the theme or liked the music. The fruitstand, the gifts, the explosion of needing, the goofy Jananese actor. I think actually it was the music, then the fruit.

These mini-festivals can be a little painful though. What really bugs me is that so many films are being made with absolutely no point to them. I get to the end and just think - why did you spend all that effort making that. Sure I should appreciate the craft involved but you'd think in a world like the one we live in now then someone would have something to say.

It could be a pop wisdom. These people don't want to flatter currupt politicians, psychotic business people with their attention. Could be wise indeed. Maybe I am just old school in thinking they have any relevance at all.

Or maybe these people actually don't have anything to say.

Was it the Beatles that predicted we'd all be making films and music. Well we do all seem to be producing but with so much information how will we find the meaning. How will we attend to meaning when it is so dispersed. Will the machine stop?

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Glass is half full?

Even a stopped watch is right twice a day.