Wednesday, October 04, 2006

This Oxford campaign

Just before I run away for two weeks in Spain I want to reflect a bit on where I am in my research and thinking on dealing with pollution in Oxford.

Well Oxford is still very polluted. I am still frustrated at how hard it is to get information out of local and central government:
  • Nothing from John at county council on the LTP
  • Nothing from Evan Harris my MP
  • Nothing from air watch on whether the way air quality measurements have been changed
  • Nothing on why the cost of pollution on the economy from central government
I think it would be interesting to find out the history of decision-making in terms of roads and traffic have been made over the last 100 years, particuarly how much say the car manufacturers have had. Morris, Rover and now BMWs mini must have powerful sway over decision-making considering revenue and jobs.

I still need to find out specifics about the vulnerable people in Oxford.

I still need to plan my campaign with FOE.

I still need to do the survey to find why people come to Oxford and how they get there.

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Glass is half full?

Even a stopped watch is right twice a day.