Thursday, December 03, 2009

Choosing your beliefs

Why are people carrying on as though climate change science is not a real threat? Let's be honest, probably about 60% of people will say they believe the scientists, 10% of people have a meaningful grasp of the science, and 99% of people have made no change to their lifestyles as a result.

Yet people will happily believe in god, that they'll win the lottery, be reincarnated, that coca cola is good for them or cool to drink, that smoking won't kill them, that having a big family is a wonderful thing etc.

99% of people choose their beliefs to fit in with their short-term plans. Actually I wonder if people choose their beliefs at all - perhaps few people evolve sufficiently to make decisions any differently from the adults that dominated their childhood.

Are we a zombie species travelling through the ages destined to ravage everything we hunger for as fast as we can?

Glass is half full?

Even a stopped watch is right twice a day.