Saturday, September 13, 2008

Britney Spears

I heard Ms. Spears say this on an MTV program a few years ago.

"I wanna go University, you know - get knowledge"

At the risk of sounding snobbish I decided to post on this simply because the quote shows an interesting attitude to learning, one that I had not considered before: learning is a product, something you pick up and take away.

I always think of learning as discovering how little I can know, and how arbitrary human explanations of the world are. I think I would benefit from Britney's more 'simple' outlook.

If I wanted to define the University product perhaps it is maintaining an environment that allows people to learn to be creative with a system of representation - music, mathematics, experimentation, computation, prose etc. To credit BS, I'd say she's managed to learn to a fairly high level how to dance, sing and manipulate the media Moguls to semi-mutual effect.

Anyway, nice quote. Perhaps if B had gone to University when she said this she might have held it together a bit better...

Glass is half full?

Even a stopped watch is right twice a day.